The farm Di Simone was born as a company at the end of 1800 in Marche.
The great-grandfather is the first Nazzareno that during transhumance (transfer flocks from the mountains to the plains in search of green pastures) jostles into Lazio, where he created for the five children a short chain of a typical store products ( "pizzicheria" Roman) in the heart of Rome, which enters the market products directly implemented in their business.

The need to extend the grazing areas and space to growing calls on the family to seek new opportunities in the Maremma Laziale, precisely in Etruscan fertile land near Tarquinia: it was born "Turchina".
By hard work of the entire family (men, women, children, workers), the farm specializes in the cultivation of cereals, especially hard wheat, as the organoleptic properties of soils of Tarquinia are perfect for the growth and development of a Durum of excellent quality.

It is clear from the 20s and until 1975 the company "Turchina" produces the famous Hard Wheat "Senator Cappelli," which made us famous at all larger mills northern Italy.

Managing  as a family has allowed us to treat all stages of development of production, with the greatest attention, professionalism and passion that distinguishes us.

Since 2001, "Turchina" has chosen the way of organic cultivation former Reg. Cee 2092/91, certified  by IMC (Mediterranean Institute of Certification), in order to obtain a healthy and ecological agriculture, aiming to recover the ancient Grains territory (spelt, legumes, Senator Cappelli), that  we transform into food with a rare and valuable health and goodness.

Thus, alongside the traditional production of durum wheat seed, fodder, meat and milk sheep, also involve the wholesale market, our company offers to the consumer SPELT “SPELTA half-integral”, WHOLEMEAL FLOUR SPELT “SPELTA” (for bread and cakes), WHOLEMEAL FLOUR SPELT “DICOCCUM” (for pasta), both minced stone; PASTA “SPECIAL PASTA OF SPELT DICOCCUM”, SPECIAL PASTA OF HARD WHEAT “SENATOR CAPPELLI”; CECI BEANS, breed “SULTANO” (small and peel end, tasty) ; EXTRA OLIVE OIL "PRISCUM" cold-extracted, filtered, by olive varieties "caninese" with acidity equal to 0.00.

During the show “Cibus Rome 2007”, people liked very much our spelt “SPELTA" , thanks to its full taste, its ease of cooking, its flexibility in being combined with a wide variety of condiments, as well as the classic soups, which put us in the Guide to Restaurants of Italy, edited by the newspaper “La  Repubblica”.

We have been present in “BioFiera of the Lazio Region” since its first edition, and we work to spread the culture of eating "good and bio”.

You can contact us to try our products, or, even better, you can come and see us, to move us with a day outdoors and pure, where generous walk on our earth from which comes on your tables a plate of spaghetti "Cappelli "Smoking and appetizing.


THE SPELTla_turchina-il_farro_eng.html
THE WHEATla_turchina-il_grano_eng.html
THE PASTAla_turchina-la_pasta_eng.html
CECI BEANSla_turchina-i_ceci_eng.html
EXTRA OLIVE OILla_turchina-olio_eng.html
Who we are
Organic Sheepla_turchina-ovini_eng.html